Booklet Library

Love Poems for Ceres
Alex Turgeon

94 pg, 22 x 16cm, offset, perfect bound, edition of 500
Berlin, Germany: Broken Dimanche Press, 2017

"Love Poems for Ceres is the first collection of poetry by artist Alex Turgeon. The book is a compilation of works over the past three years touching on themes of gender and sexuality in relation to fantastical positions of witchcraft, interplanetary space, cowboy and creation mythologies. This collection of poetry explores a metaphor described in the celestial body of Ceres, the largest object in our solar system’s asteroid belt which divides the system between inner and outer planets, as a self portrait existing on the border of an inclusive community and that of an exterior nebulous expanse. Love Poems for Ceres looks at a relationship to a subject who is unable to reciprocate, orbiting an undefined position, and in doing so recounts a fleeting attempt to position oneself against the cosmos within." — The Author

Alex Turgeon

36pg, 15 x 21cm, offset, staple bound, 65/400
Berlin, Germany: Motto Books, 2014

"Listen is a compilation of poetic and personal reflections on gender, sexuality and personal economy defined by social infrastructures of language. Rhythm, rhyme and alliteration engage the reader to listen to the surreal and subversive anecdotes described within." — The Author

Alex Turgeon

12pg, 14.5 x 21cm, b/w laser, staple bound, edition of 100
Berlin Germany: A. Turgeon, 2011

"Alex Turgeon is a Canadian born artist and poet residing in Berlin. His book 'Patagonia' is a meandering exploration of consumer fantasies in the form of a modern epic." — The Author

Contributed by the author.