Booklet Library

Verena Hägler

32pg, 21 x 16.5cm, b/w digital, string bound, 49/100
Munich, Germany: V. Hägler, 2016

Freie Redaktion (Working with Nora Schultz)
Verena Hägler

82 pg, 29.7 x 21 cm, b/w laser, glue & tape binding, 6/100
Munich, Germany: Verena Hägler, 2015

"Freie Redaktion is a photographic documentation of a workshop by artist Nora Schultz. It dealt with the process of art making, communication, surveillance and co-working in a collective 'Freie Redaktion' which existed for about 2 months in a specific room at the academy of fine arts in Munich/Germany. My documentation was done on certain mornings in absence of all other persons, a surveillance of the room and its ongoing changes in my absence." — The Author

Küchen entlang der TeLa
[Kitchens Along TeLa]
Verena Hägler (photos), Sarah Dorkenwald (design)

40pg & translation sheet, 19 x 29.7cm, color offset, glue bound, edition of 500
German & English
Munich, Germany: Verena Hägler, 2014

Contributed by the author.