4/4 (FZ 267)
(Glashaus) in collaboration with Adam Thompson
1 sheet/2 p, 31.5 x 23.5 cm / 63 x 47 cm, offset, newspaper
Zurich, Switzerland: G. Huber, 2010
Traum als Methode (FZ 271)
Modes of Practice #3; André Breton, Elisabeth Bronfen, Anna K. Becker, Geneviève Morel, Etrit Hasler, Esther Becker
16p, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, offset printed, newspaper
Zurich, Switzerland: G. Huber, 2011
Inventory of the Earth FZ 270
Various Authors
12p, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, offset, newspaper
Zurich, Switzerland: G. Huber, 2011
L‘image entre les images. Jean-Luc Godard (FZ 266)
Modes of Practice #2 ; Michael Baute, Christoph Hesse, Volker Pantenburg & Georg Seesslen
12p, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, offset, newspaper
Zurich, Switzerland: G. Huber, 2010
CUT UP / Burroughs, Gysin & the cut-up Project (FZ 265)
Tomasz Stompor and Gregor Huber
16p, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, b/w offset, newspaper
Zurich, Switzerland: G. Huber, 2010
Contributed by the publisher/producer.