Booklet Library at gallery COEXIST-Tokyo Art Book Marche
6月 7日 - 7月 6日 2014; 11:-19:00PM
1%ofOne verlag - all recent contributions
airi - Sabaku
Alan Licht - Interview with Adris Hoyos*
Amy Fox*
Anna Gleeson (Ed.) - ha wan pao 1-3
Anne Lai - what tends apart
Authors ?? - Norikae
Aya Muto - Volvo
Chiara Raffo - Carnaval
Craig Atkinson - Someone Else's Wedding
David Potes - Saturn Return
edition fink, all titles
Emily Burtner - Composition
Haris Epaminonda - Images
Haruna Sato - Ichi No Hi 1-3
Hobbyist 1-2
Jason Roberts Dobrin - Rivers
Jian Wei Lim - Places Inbetween
Jessica Williams - Diary
Jonathan Storm - Old Dark
Joseph Hart - Provisional Arrangements
Judith Erwes - Imitation of Lives
Luke A.R. Hamblin -01. polaroids
Maggie Harrsen - KANOA*
Marianne van Loo*
Maximilian Rossner - II II V
Meggie Kelley Dark Alcoves, Hidden Niches, ...
Michela Heim - Anteroom
Mitsu Sucks - Poland Envy, Board Envy
NSEW - Artist Postcards*
NSEW, Miniature Garden (Eds.) - Light*
Patrícia Almeida, David-Alexandre Gueniot - LWTUA
Paul Paper - all titles
Pere Sauger - Land Speak Record
Peter Sutherland - Final Bargain
Phil Brown - Urban Zoo
Pierre Hourquet - DIY Stool
Rosa McElheny, Hilary duPont - REAL NEWS
Shoboshobo - Aaron / Benjamin
Various Fires and Four Running Boys - Thomas Galler
Various Fires and MLK - Scott McCarney
Ye Rin Mok - all titles
youandmebaby - Report : Field Report & Iceland
Yuri Manabe - Ultimate Lezcation*
Zug Magazine 1-3
* to be documented
Friends titles will be included on Sunday Issue's shelves.
SHに常設展示しているBOOKLET LIBRARYについて、スタッフがその活動目的と経緯、ブックレットとはそもそも何かについて、お話致します。 また、今月寄贈頂いたブックレットについて、その解説も致します。
「文化生産:Cultural Production」という言葉は、学問的には使われてきましたが、まだ一般に使われる言葉ではありません。
DJ: Clemens Büttner (日本古典建築音響研究者)
(ENG) Booklet Library は常設の為、移転いたします。
新しい場所での公開イベント、PUBLICITY にご参加下さい。
16メートルほどの新しい本棚に、もっとも最近 Library に寄贈いただいた Zine と小規模出版から順に展示致します。 Friends of the Booklet Library に賛同いただき、私達のサポートをしてくださっている作者と出版社のタイトルを購入して頂くこともできます。
Andres Monzon、 Yuta Nakajima、 Jesen Tanadi (with Tom Ngo、Catrina Stewart、Olalekan Jeyifous、Perry Kulper)、 そして Almin Prsic による私たち自身の新しい出版タイトルも発表いたします。
東京において、いつもとは少々異なる視覚的な表現をお見せしている Booklet Library をよりパブリックにリソースとしてオープンできることを、大変喜ばしく思っております。18日は是非ご参加下さい。もし小規模のタイトルを出版、制作なさっていましたら、18日に是非寄贈いただき、長い棚の一部にご参加頂ければと思います。
Shibaura House の伊東様、横川様には特別感謝いたします!
Booklet Library is moving ...
Please join us for the launch, PUBLICITY, at the library's new location.
16+ meters of new shelving will be filled with zines and small press publications from the Library, starting with the most recent contributions. Select titles will be made available for purchase courtesy of the authors and publishers supporting us as Friends of the Booklet Library.
After the launch, 100~ of the newest contributions will be always be available on the 1.5 FL mezzanine...
at the same times listed above. Appointments for other titles may also be fulfilled there and then.
We're pleased that Booklet Library can be (more) open to the public in support of visual difference, so please join us on the 18th! If you publish/produce small press titles, please feel free to contribute a title and add it to the length of shelves.
Authors / publishers included:*
½, 1% of One Verlag titles, 2HB, Aidan Koch, Alex Wrekk, Alexander Alekseenko, Alison Balance, Andrea Stultiens, Andreas Schmidt, Andrew Kiddie, Anna Barham, Anna Sailamaa, Ariel Martín Pérez, Bakkal Press titles, Bedford Press titles, Benjamin Critton, Booklet Press titles, Brandon Fonville, Bridgette Ashton, Bryan Dooley, Casey Orr, Casual Living, Champneys Taylor, Charlie Hillhouse, Chloé Maratta, Chris Hopkins and Emi Ueoka, Copyshop & Album, Daisuke Ichiba, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Daniel Wong & Phaedra Longhurst, , Edward Newton (to be indexed), Emily Burtner, Engawa, Enrique Bader, Eric Marth titles, Erik Lindman, Financially Hard Times, Folio Magazine, Frei, Glashaus publications, Gosia Machon, Hamburger Eyes titles, Hands on Papers, Harry McCausland, Harsh Patel, Himaa, Hot Paper, Ian Lynam / Wordshape, Igor Termenon, Institute of Critical Zoologists, Izumi Suzuki, Jakko Pallasvuo, Joe Cooke, Josef Konczak, Kevin Malcolm, Lacey Prpric Hedtke, Leonardo Amico, Lindman / Yago / Olivares, Lola Halifa LeGrand, Mai Chaya (to be indexed), Marti Anson, Martin Brink, Martin Seeds, Maximillian Rossner, Medium Rare titles, Megawords, Mengxi Zhang & Bruno Zhu, Metahaven, Michiel Burger, Mike Martinez, Monitor Publishing titles, Museums Press titles, Nat Koyama, Nemanja Knežević, Nickolas Mohanna titles, No Thoughts, Nobuyoshi Takagi, NSEW titles, Oliver Ogden, OSO titles, Outlandish Photography, Pablo Hare, Pascal Anders, Patrick Tsai, Paul Paper, Pete Watts titles, Pierre Huyghe , Plomo Zine, Pogo Books titles, Post-Production titles, PWR, Reading Material, Risografia, Rollo Press, Russell Walker, Sacha Maric, Sara McNeil, Sasha Kurmaz, Save As Publications, Scott McCarney, Selim Sume, Seth Fluker, Sevim Sancaktar, Smoke Collective, Susie Wright, Synchrodogs, Tammy Mercure, Terhi Ekebom, Tero Niskanen, The Velvet Cell titles, They Magazine, Thomas Hilliker, ThroatArt, Timo Vaittinen, Timothee Huguet, Todd Walker, Tugitu, Tuomas Korpijaakko, Untitled Magazine (to be indexed), Verities, Whatever Press, William Teakle, Young, Fresh, and Relevant, Yuta Nakajima
* Alphabetical by first, publisher, or collective name; titles were organized by category or publisher. This list may be incomplete.